Raised On Family Farms

Raised on Family Farms

Our chickens and turkeys are raised on smaller, family-operated farms, ensuring a more personalized and nurturing environment. These smaller flocks allow for closer attention to animal welfare standards, promoting healthier and happier birds. By supporting local BC farms, we contribute to the vitality of our regional economy and strengthen our local food systems.

Our family farms

Rossdown is proud to be a part of the British Columbia community, with our farms located in the Fraser Valley, Agassiz, and Simikameen Valleys. Our chickens and turkeys are raised with care by local families in small flocks, ensuring the highest quality and standards of animal welfare

Organic Chicken Farm

Fraser Valley, British Columbia 

Our organic chicken farm is located in the heart of the Fraser Valley. Strict biosecuity measures ensure that our organic farm is free of pesticides, chemicals and GMOs. Learn more about what makes organic certification means for our organic farm here.

Free Range Turkey Farm

Similkameen, British Columbia

Our Free Range & Raised Without Antbiotics Turkeys are raised in the  heart of the beautiful Similkameen Valley.  The location and enviornment of this farm make it ideal to be one of Canada’s few free range farms, where the turkeys have access to the outdoors.

Raised Without Antibiotics Chicken Farm

Fraser Valley, British Columbia

Rossdown  Raised Without Antibiotics Chickens are raised in the Fraser Valley, only a few minutes from out hatchery and plant, which means there is minimal transport time.

Raised Without Antibiotics Turkey Farm

Agassiz & Fraser Valley, British Columbia

Our free-run, Raised Without Antibiotics Turkeys are raised on farms in the rolling hills of the Fraswer Valley and Agassiz.

Learn more about our other DONE S.M.A.R.T. STANDARDS

Crafting the best food has always been our passion. This means staying true to our values and upholding high standards. We’re committed to creating a better environment for our animals, minimizing our environmental impact, and bringing you an all-natural product for your entire family. Learn more about our Chicken raised with S.M.A.R.T. standards.